Phlebotomic is a blog experiment that seeks to gather multiple perspectives around a common prompt, which is provided weekly.

Last week's prompt was "Beauty"...

This week's prompt is "Path"...

21 February 2009

Energy: A Paradox

(I am posting this on behalf of Kevin...)

Having kids is tiresome. As a young dad, I miss sleeping in on saturdays, I miss watching football, golf, basketball in a half comatose state for hours on the couch, I don't enjoy having my body tense up with every baby's cry, I miss going to the gym on the weekend to renew my energy.

Having kids is energizing . I love seeing my son's eyes brighten when I pick him up, I love seeing him learn and notice new things everyday, I feed off his enthusiasm when he is playing, and I dare anyone to come up with a better noise than a baby's laugh.

Going to church can be a beating. Waking up early on your day off, dressing up on your day off, having to be engaging and social. Going to church also gets me focused and provides me with a new perspective on life. In that sense it is energizing.

Helping others who cannot help themselves is hard, draining, and often an inconvenience.

Helping others is rewarding, refreshing, and it is our calling - to bring energy to this world by expending a little bit of ours.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kyle - thanks for coming over and commenting on my blog - you're very right I think.

    And as for church being draining, I am always drained and energized as I prepare to give a sermon, waking up early Sunday morning and working on the weekend.

    Hope to see you around again. I'm really intriqued by your blog's concept here. I'll be back again to check it out. God bless and happy blogging!
